

Charolaise cattle was bred in central France, in the region of Saone et Loire, and is derived directly from the working cattle in the vicinity of Charolaise. Since 1920, the Charolaise cattle is used only as the source for meat. The race gained international recognition and praise after World War II, primarily as a male component in cross-breeding. It was first brought to Poland in 1961. The Charolaise cattle have massive bone structure and are the largest of French races. Cows weigh up to 950, while adult bulls weigh up to 1,400 kg. The heaviest specimens weigh more than 1,500 kg. Calves are usually born weighing about 40 - 45 kg, while an inadequate prenatal nutrition may lead to calves weighing over 60 kg at birth. Large calves are responsible for difficult births which are often the case with this breed. Charolaise Cattle takes much time to mature and its fertility is usually lower than that of other races. However, a significant advantages of this race are: ability to grow outstanding musculature and the risk for carcass to become overly fat is very low.


Charolaise cattle raised on our farm has the following features:
- Pelage white or cream, without patches;
- Mucosal membrane is of white and slight pinkish color;
- Short and muscular neck, not much stressed dewlap;
- Deep chest / side rounded with visible shoulder blades;
- Horizontal and muscular spine;
- Slightly blurred outline of hips, which are very wide;
- Croup is very wide and finishes at the same height as the spine;
- Short and very stable limbs, without excessive thinness;
- Skin and coat of medium thickness, but very delicate;
- ability to gain high body weight without the risk of too much fat;
- requires a rich diet.
A strong point of Charolaise race is the maternal instinct of cows: large milk production and overall care for the calves. On our farm we record about 85% of calves have a non-problematic growth. They have an unparalleled ability to breed and grow (about 1300 g/day). They also easily adapt to the environment. They have the ability to deposit fat which is beneficial in times of drought (which sometimes occurs in Poland)



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